Blackstone Labs Founders Indicted on Steroid Trafficking Charges


Blackstone Labs Founders Indicted on Steroid Trafficking ChargesPJ Braun, Aaron Singerman and Robert DiMaggio were named in the 14-count federal indictment.

Federal prosecutors have targeted the sports nutrition company Blackstone Labs in a 14-count indictment filed on March 7, 2019. The co-founders are identified as PJ Braun, Aaron Singerman and Robert DiMaggio.

In addition to Braun, Singerman and DiMaggio, three other co-conspirators were indicted. They included Anthony “Joey” Ventrella, David Winsauer and James Boccuzzi. The indictment also referred to four unindicted co-conspirator that were employed by Blackstone and/or affiliated companies.

Blackstone Labs and Ventech Labs were also charged in the indictment. The indictment also mentioned two other supplement companies – Fight Pharma and VBS Laboratories – that were founded by Singerman and Braun.

It should be noted that Singerman and DiMaggio have not been involved with Blackstone Labs for a few years. Braun is the only original co-founder that is currently involved in running Blackstone Labs. Nonetheless, the indictment involved the period in which both Singerman and DiMaggio were active participants in the business.

Blackstone Labs allegedly sold illegal anabolic steroids and other drugs that masqueraded as dietary supplements.

The defendants were accused of selling “hundreds of thousands of illegal products” containing anabolic steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and stimulants. These substances included ostarine, picamilon, trendione, halodrol, epistane, methylstenbolone, dimethazine, and methyl-1-etiocholenolol.

The specific Blackstone Labs products mentioned included Super DMZ Rx 2.0, Alpha-1 Max, Ostapure, Ostapro, PCT IV, Angel Dust, AMP Citrate and Euphoria Rx.

The charges against Braun and Singerman are particularly serious. Braun was indicted on 10 counts and Singerman was indicted on 8 counts. DiMaggio was only indicted on a single count.

Braun, Singerman and DiMaggio were all indicted on conspiracy to defraud the United States government.

In addition, Braun and Singerman were indicted on multiple counts of “introduction of unapproved new drugs into interstate commerce”, “conspiracy to distribute controlled substances”, “distributing controlled substances” and “money laundering”.
DiMaggio faces up to 5 years in prison if convicted. Braun and Singerman face up to a maximum of 86 years and 66 years, respectively, if convicted of all charges.



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